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June 3, 2021

Industry: Science, technology and engineering

Service area:  Leadership

Against the backdrop of an acquisition of a much larger organisation and significant organisational change, employee engagement results and anecdotal evidence highlighted the pressing need to increase the capability of people leaders. Leaders needed to have the capability to support their people to belong, engage them to deliver and develop them to grow within their roles and careers more broadly.

Our client recognised that people leadership was a cornerstone of a great organisation, while also being key to growth and delivering on customer promises. To improve talent attraction, retention, engagement and performance, we worked in partnership with our client to develop a program to be rolled out to 142 people leaders initially, although this population has now grown and additional cohorts have been included.


An analysis of data and documentation provided by our client led us to believe that increasing the quality and frequency of conversations between people leaders & direct reports would have the greatest impact in ‘unlocking potential’. This was felt to be particularly true given the highly technical backgrounds of the workforce.

A nine month People Leader Code leadership program was designed around 10 critical conversations that leaders need to have with their people.

These were arranged into 4 modules using a range of blended learning methods, including:

  • launch video to energise participants to the program
  • pre/post program 270 degree assessments
  • custom e-learning
  • immersive face to face workshops
  • on the job learning tools
  • on-the-job learning transfer activities
  • curated extension activities and content
  • group and peer coaching
  • practical tools and resources to support performance
  • graduation activities that helped embed practices and build networks

Excitement and anticipation was created through involving a reference group, who were both advisors and advocates for the program among their peers. A launch for the executive team created visibility and clearly outlined the role of leaders' leaders, in promoting learning and practically supporting the program.


  • Needs Analysis
  • Accelerated Design Workshop™
  • Blended Program Design
  • Learning Assets Build
  • Facilitation


  • The program garnered participant and stakeholder feedback that excelled beyond expectations

  • The flexible delivery design enabled busy leaders to maintain momentum

  • From push to pull means plans to extend to matrix leaders

  • Significant improvement in engagement data attributed to program


Leadership development designed to impact culture

The program was designed to create networks and relationships across the organisation with participants learning from the facilitator and each other. The design of the program, not only develops the people leaders actively participating in the program, but also those leaders' leaders, through one to one sessions and learning transfer activities.

A true blended learning program at scale

A range of learning methods to teach content (bespoke 10 minute elearning), enable skill building (face to face workshops), apply back in the workplace (learning transfer activities) and reflect on the learning (peer to peer coaching groups)

Reinforces performance links

The program starts with a one to one session, sharing feedback gathered from the participant’s people leader and team members – this is repeated after one year. This individual feedback provides insight for the people leader and motivation to make a change. The repeat after one year is to give participants a target and motivation to work towards improvements and as well as helping to evaluate the program.

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